I used to be so good at blogging, and now I feel like it's a rare occasion that I get a chance to write 2 words! Christmas was fun! On Christmas eve, chase and I went with my family to the Vervloet's for dinner and then went to Chase's Mexican's party. (Can I say that?) It was cool! Except for the meat that they served was full of fat! Then later that night, we went over to Anisha's to help set up the trampoline that they got for Christmas. (Well, I didn't help. The guys did, and the girls stayed inside chatting. =]) But it looked freezing! Christmas morning, Chase and I opened our presents from each other and then went over to my parents house to open presents with them. It's fun because Kenlie is still so young so she makes it exciting! At 11 we went over to Chase's mom's house to eat breakfast and open presents with them. They are all older so it is fun to get to have an older kid party. =] We got lots of fun things! Cameras to document our soon to be exciting life together, dishes for our new house, clothes, all sorts of fun things! All in all it was a super fun day, and I am so happy I got to spend it with Chaser!
The day after Christmas my family and Chase's family all went bowling at Bountiful Bowl. Its fun that our families can do things together! It was Haden's birthday, so we went to eat at Applebee's after, and it wasn't very good. I can't believe my baby brother is 17! AH!!!!
Last week I went to an appointment with my OB, and they gave me my first Ultrasound. It was so crazy! I got to hear baby's heartbeat, and see her (haha) on the screen. Right now she just looks like a jelly bean, since I am only 7 weeks, but her heartbeat sounded loud and strong. I have my next appointment on January 20th, and will be able to see more then! I think the appointment after that we will be able to see that she is a girl. =] Chase insists it's a boy, but he doesn't know. If it is a girl I think we will name her Xalee Mckell, but no ideas if it happens to be a boy.
Life is crazy right now, finishing up wedding plans and making sure we haven't left anything out. The big day is less than 2 months away and coming so fast! so mark your calenders and watch for an invite in the mail!

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