While I was at work on Saturday, I got a call from Chase at about 5:30 p.m. He said, "Hey, we are going out tonight, and you have to dress up."
"Dress up?"
"Yeah, no jeans." He confirmed.
I knew something was up. I knew he had something tricky up his sleeve, and that if he wanted me to dress up, then most likely he was going to drop the bomb tonight. Knowing that tonight was the night, sort of took the element of surprise out of the whole situation. So, Cyndi came into work to help me close, and way playing it very coy. "What are you and Chase doing tonight?" She pretended to be uninformed.
"I don't know, Chase called and said we were going out, and asked me to dress up." I answered suspiciously.
"Oh, dang it. I was going to see if you guys wanted to come out with me and Brian." She lied. "But, you two will have fun, I wonder where he is taking you."
"I don't know, but I will let you know for sure." I played along. I knew Cyndi knew exactly what was happening. Chase doesn't blow his nose without talking to his mom about it. And while I love this about him, they both need to realize that they can't pretend to be keeping things from each other. Especially at a time like this. I see right through them.
So... I got all dressed up, did my hair, and went to meet Chase at about 8. We drove out to Salt Lake and he asked me if I have ever eaten at The Roof. I told him that I hadn't and he told me we had reservations at 9:30. Chase really wanted to go on a carriage ride, but when we walked over to where the carriages pick up, there was a line of at least 30 people. Neither of us wanted to wait, so I said, "Let's go walk around." CHASE WAS ACTING SOOO WEIRD! We walked around for a bit, and Chase was just acting so nervous. So we went and sat down by the waterfall in front on the Temple, and I could tell Chase was about to jump out of his skin.
Sitting right next to me, he turned and very normally said, "Meg, will you marry me?" Just sitting there next to me, like it was no big deal, and not a question that he had to think about at all. So I said,
"Yes, of course I will." And he slid a ring on my finger that is identical to one I have been wearing for years, except for 3 sizes too big. Automatically Chase started freaking out.
"No, Chase I told you size 5."
"I can't believe it's too big for you! I feel so dumb, I can't believe this is happening! Oh my heck Meg I am so sorry, I feel so stupid."
So I tried to comfort him, "Chase, calm down we can get it sized it will work out. Calm down. Let's just go eat and it will be fun." He continued to huff and puff.
Inside I was extremely disappointed in Chase. He didn't even get on his knee. I wasn't surprised at all, and it wasn't what I had hoped it would be since I was a little girl. But, at the same time I didn't really care. It was my Chaser, and those five little minutes he ruined with his nerves would be completely irrelevant compared to the many years of fun we had ahead of us.
We went up to The Roof, and sat at our table that was right above the Temple. We ate our dinner and then continued with dessert. After we had filled our bellys, the waiter came up and asked us if we were ready for our check. Chase said yes, and we both sat waiting for the bill. Then, to my suprise, the waiter brought out a silver platter covered in rose petals, and a ring box. There in front of everyone in the whole place (keep in mind a family party of 40 people had just come in and sat right next to us.) Chase got on his knee and asked me to marry him the right way. It gives me chills even thinking about it. Of course I said yes again, and Chase put a much better fitting and most on character beautiful ring I have ever seen. It completely fits my personality and I love it. The hostess was standing near by to take pictures and i'm sure everyone in the whole place was staring. I wouldn't have known either way because I was way too tuned out.
Chase is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and by far the best guy I have ever dated. He puts up with so much from me, and I don't know how he does it. I love him so much and can't wait to start our lives together! I love you Chase!

That is so cute. It looks like he surprised you after all. Good job Chase! That's such an awesome story. Congrats to you both!
ReplyDeleteYAY!!! SO cute!