Thursday, April 30, 2009

Disappointed... =[

I have been waiting all week for my headband order to get here from little girl mart... and today IT CAME!!! WOOHOO right? WRONG! I anxiously opened the box and started looking at all of my fun new things, but was quickly disheartened. They sent me two of every color of flower, which limited my 12 assorted flowers to only 6 different colors, and instead of sending me the little waffle crochet baby beanies, they sent me the big people ones. =[ The headbands were ok, but I think a 1/3 satisfaction on an order is pretty sh**ty. So I am sad. I called the little number on the invoice and the mailbox was full. So I emailed the email address and we will see if they ever get back to me. =[ Now I am sad.


  1. :(
    That sucks Meggers.
    Follow up on that fashow, because those little beanies would be darling on a baby

  2. sad to hear about your order. go check out this they have ADORABLE stuff on there!

  3. bummer, I hate that. this site has some cute stuff - and the prices are pretty good
