If I were a bum, (a literal bum, with no home, or clothes, or a bed, or food) I would be willing to accept anything that I was offered. Today, Ashlee and I went to lunch at Lorenas. For those of you who don't know what Lorenas is, it is the best mexican food this side of the equator, and also the second love of my life. Sophie obviously being my first. The meals at Lorenas are extremely big, and Ashlee has alot left over. So she put it in a to-go box, and off we went to run errands. We went to Trolley Square, and ash dropped off her resume to a few places, and as we were pulling out of the parking lot, there was a homeless man standing on the corner with a cardboard sign that read: 'Homeless, hungry, cold. Anything helps.' So I said, "Ashlee! Why don't you give your Lorenas to this sad hungry toothless man?"
"Oh yes of course I should!" She replied. So she flipped around and pulled up right next to him. She rolled down her window and said, "Here you go."
"What is it?" He said with distain.
"It's food." She offered selflessly. He opened the box sniffed it, looked at it, looked at her, looked at me in the passenger seat, paused for a second then said... "Uh.... No thanks."
Can you flipping believe that! A homeless man turned down a box of steaming hot delicious mexican food from two young girls! What has this world come to? Ha. Ingrates.
I can't believe the snow. Ugh. SO depressing. But fun too! I can't wait for winter activities. And that you all for your applications for my winter time partner. I have looked them over, and will be filling the position this week or the next. =]
Well, Alece told me that she loves to read my blog, but she likes to see pictures, so now I guess I will fill up some space with random pictures. Some recent, some not so recent. Enjoy!

Me and Lynds
The love of my life.
My old friends Justin and Spenc.
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