Well well well, what do I have to tell you about what is currently going on in my life? It is pretty much awesome. I am more happy now than I have been in a very long time! Still!
Sunday, Chase and I went and listened to his sister Anisha and her husband Steven speak in their ward. They did such a good job. Anisha gave her talk on gratitude. She addressed it to the kids which I thought was such a good idea. She is so darling and has the cutest kids in the world. I love going over there with Chase to play with them, even though they always get so riled up. =] Chase is so cute with kids. That is one of the characteristics that I love the most about him. I love watching him with his Nephews and Niece. Steven also did such a great job on his talk. He talked a little bit about temple marriage, and what a great blessing it is in him and Anisha's life. I can't wait for the day that I can go through the temple with my husband. That afternoon we went back over to Steven and Anisha's house for Aiden's 6th birthday party. He is such a sharp kid. During Sacrement meeting he and I passed notes back and forth to each other and I can't believe how good he is at sounding words out. He is so funny. Chase has such a cute family and I love how close knit they are. It reminds me of my family. Not just relatives, but friends too. His mom has become such a huge influence on me these last few weeks. What a cool lady she is. So strong and so down to earth. Chase is lucky to have her. And I am lucky to know her!
Which brings me to my family. Thanksgiving is coming up and lately I have been thinking about just how grateful I am to have such a neat family. I can talk with them so easily and my siblings are my best friends. I am also lucky to have such a close extended family. I have the best aunts and uncles and cousins I could ever ask for and am so thankful for how close we all are. Don't even get me started on the Grandparent topic because there is not enough memory on this silly blog to express how much my grammy and grumpy mean to me, so I won't even try. Words do no justice for the way I feel about my family.
My dad is such a good provider for our family and loves my Mother so much. He is so sweet and patient with her. He is so intelligent and useful. It is so nice to be able to get an oil change in your own driveway. I am so lucky to have him as a dad.
My mom is my best friend. We fight, we laugh, we cry, we yell, we joke. I am so much like her sometimes it scares me. (Not that it's a bad thing, sometimes I just look at her and laugh at what a nerd she is, and then realize that I am the same way. So thanks mom for making me such a huge FON. hahahah) My mom is the biggest motivator in my life. I know I pretend to ignore what she tries to tell me about the lessons I learn in life, but the truth is, I contemplate everything she tells me on a daily basis, and I remember the things she tells me always. She is such a huge blessing to me and I love her so much. There is not a stronger woman in this world, and defintely no one who could fill the position of my Mother better than she does.
My little brother is such a dork. Ha! He is so smart though. It is weird how the older he gets, the more we have in common. I find him listening to the same music as me, and watching the same movies I like. He is such a good kid, and one day some cute girl is going to be lucky to snatch him up. My sisters are my rocks. Both for different reasons.
Rylie is less like me than Kenlie, but I think that is a good thing. Our personalities balance each other out, and even though we fight more than any of my other siblings, I know that when we get older we will be best friends.
Kenlie is my personality twin. The way she talks about school and friends reminds me so much of how I remember my outlook on life being at her age. She is probably the funniest little girl I have ever met and also one of the most positive. She is so easy to be around and can make me smile even when I am trying not to.
I love my family so much and I am so lucky to be blessed with them in my life!
Well enough blabbing. Here are some pictures, again, just for you Alece. I decided I needed to et one up of the love of my life.... the other one... Sophie. Ha! The other day she sat on my lap while I was getting ready and just slept. It was so precious! It took me like and hour to get ready because I just didn't want to move her! Enjoy!

YAY! I am so glad that you are happy I miss your face come see us!
ReplyDeleteSo Chase came over to our house yesterday and the kids said, "where's Meg?" They already love you! Thanks for playing so rough with them and get them all worked up!