1.Where is your cell phone?
It is in the drawer next to me. I am at work, gotta keep that sucker hiden. =]
2. Where is your significant other?
I am guessing that Chase would qualify as my significant other. Right now, since it is 9 in the morning he is laying in his bed trying to decide if he is ready to wake up.
3. Your hair color?
Platinum blonde right now. I am thinking of making a change though...
4. Your mother?
Is a crazy funny lady who sometimes drives me crazy but always makes me happy!
5. Your father?
Is smart and strong. A fantastic provider for our family.
6. Your favorite thing(s)?
Sophie, movies, Coffee Heath Bar crunch ice cream, summertime
7. Your dream last night?
I don't remember it....
8. Your dream/goal?
To be successful
9. The room you're in?
The front lobby of work. It is FREEZING!!!
10.Your hobby?
Guitar hero =]
11. Your fear?
Being alone.
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years?
Married and a bebe
13. Where were you last night?
Ryan Richins birthday party.
14. What you're not?
Patient, short, overly nice. hahah
15. One of your wish-list items?
A beach cruiser bike
16. Where you grew up?
Spanish Fork & Clinton, UT
17. The last thing you ate?
Carls Junior that my Dad brought me to work yesterday at noon. It has almost been 24 hours since then.
18. What are you wearing?
A black long sleeve, jeans and my cutie hat.
19. Your TV?
Hasn't been used by me in a while.
20. Your pet?
Is the love of my life. Oh cute witto Sophie
21. Your computer?
Sucks. Thanks Windows Vista
22. Your mood?
Tired, bored, starving.
23. Missing someone?
Greg, Manda, Ross, My grammy and grampy, and I haven't seen Sophie in about 12 hours so I miss her too.
25. Something you're not wearing?
A necklace.
26. Favorite store?
Bebe, Bastille, and you can never forget Target.
27. Your Summer?
FANTASTIC! Wish it was still here.
28. Love someone?
My family and friends. And Sophie.
29. Your favorite color?
Black. Don't tell me it's not a color.
30. When is the last time you laughed?
This morning at the crack of dawn talking to Chase's mom. haha
31. Last time you cried?
I have no idea. Ha how funny!
As I mentioned above, I am about 2 seconds away from coloring my hair... This is the coloring I am contemplating.

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